How To Avoid Bicycle Accidents - ny sports hub

How To Avoid Bicycle Accidents


Bikes are simple yet effective transport vehicles but they are at a major disadvantage in collisions. Their lightness and instability make crashes more fatal for riders than car passengers. It is best to avoid bicycle accidents at all cost. Below are a few strategies to stay safe on the roads:

1. Slow down.

Most accidents happen because one or both vehicles are speeding. When you are going too fast, you don’t have much time to react when you see signs of danger. You might crash before you move out of the way. You can’t do anything about what car drivers might do but you can control your own speed. So slow down and give yourself room to maneuver correctly in any given situation.

2. Increase visibility.

Bikes are thin so they can be hard to see at a casual glance. Make yourself as visible as possible on the roads. Wear white or brightly-colored jerseys that allow drivers to spot you from afar. You can also choose helmets and bike frames with a light color. Installing reflectors on the wheel spokes, on the handle bar, and on the back is also a good idea. Reflectorized tape is another option that is easy to use.

3. Install lights.

If you frequently find yourself riding at night, then you absolutely must install powerful lights. One is great but two is even better to increase brightness and have a backup in case of failure. Make sure that these are fully charged before you leave home. Lights will help you see potholes and other hazards. You may also install red blinking tail lights so that vehicles behind you can estimate your distance.

4. Use bike lanes.

Whenever possible, stay in dedicated bike lanes. These are safer since you will only be with fellow bikers instead of jockeying for road space with large cars and trucks. Most are well-maintained so you don’t need to worry about the terrain. Of course, you should still be on guard since you may encounter bikes coming from the opposite direction. You might also have to share the bike lane with joggers so weave in and out or the crowd carefully.

5. Drop the earbuds.

It may be fun to listen to music while riding but this can be dangerous. You will not be able to hear incoming vehicles and move out of the way when you need to. You might not hear a car horn or other warnings. You will not notice mechanical issues with your own bike until it’s too late. It is far better to drop the earbuds or at least have one ear free to listen to the sounds around you.

6. Wear safety gear.

Never ride without a helmet. Traumatic brain injuries can result in chronic pain and loss of bodily functions. You can find decent helmets at affordable prices. They come in various designs with many providing air vents to help you stay cool in hot weather. Wear this properly with a sufficiently tight chin strap so that it doesn’t simply fly off.

If you obey the traffic laws and exercise caution, then you drastically reduce the risk of collision. In case you still get involved in one because of an errant driver, then seek the help of an New York City Citi bike accident lawyer to obtain compensation.
